Using slick carousel with Meteor React

This post is about using slick carousel with Meteor React framework. It also can apply with other React component that relies on CommonJS.

What you’ll need

So, let’s get started.

I’m learning meteor framework with react.js and trying to put a carousel to my website. I decide to go with slick carousel react port which seems easy to use.

Problem is react-slick component made an assumption that we’ll use CommonJS module, like this:

	var React = require('react');
	var Slider = require('react-slick');

which make sense because the carousel comes before meteor see the world.

So, in order to make use or existing react component that relies on CommonJS, I need to add this meteor package : meteor add cosmos:browserify

this browserify will make the require('modulename') things work on client side.

the require is a module loader command which originally is made for node.js server side. Browserify will make this command works on client side

Let’s create a file name /lib/app.browserify.js – the browserify.js suffix is required. Then put this code in it.

//we do not required 'react' here because we will use meteor version
Slider = require('react-slick');

This will make Slider available in global scope so you can use it in your react component.

I'm not sure if lib is a right place to put the browserify file because lib is shared to both server and client whereas browserify is meant to be used for client only. I might move it later

But we don’t have react-slick module yet

Now that we have browserfiy ready in Meteor side, let’s start making use of node package by first adding meteor add meteorhacks:npm and then npm install react-slick. This should list a react-slick module (that we require in previous step) in your package.json. If you run npm list now, You’ll see react-slick as well as react in its dependency.

Now go to your browser and run your code, hopefully there will not be an error like ReferenceError: require is not defined because we already add browserify package.

What you will get is an error : you have multiple copies of React loaded. This is because we already have react package in meteor and it conflicts with npm react that is in dependency or react-slick.

You have multiple copies of React loaded

To solve this, we need to use npm package externalify. Go run npm install externalify in your console. Once it is installed, create a file called /lib/app.browserify.options.json and put this config in it

      "transforms": {
        "externalify": {
          "global": true,
          "external": {
            "react": "React.require",
            "react-dom": "React.require"

This is a browserify transformer which will transfer ‘react’ and ‘react-dom’ require to use meteor’s react version. This will solve you have multiple copies of React loaded error.

Go back to browser and run your code, it should work now but not so nice.

You will need one more component in order to make it work. It’s a stylesheet. To install it, the author suggest us to use bower. Meteor also has a bower package so let’s add it meteor add mquandalle:bower once you install it. create a file .bowerrc in your root folder and put below code it in. This will enable bower command in your command line.

  "directory": ".meteor/local/bower"

Now run bower init to create a bower.json file. You can spam enter to use default value. After that, bower install --save slick-carousel to install slick-carousel stylesheet. It will be list in bower dependency as well so that other dev can install it.

You’ll need git in your PATH in order to install slick-carousel


Hopefully, your slick carousel should work now. It seems tiredsome for just a carousel but browserify, npm and bower are actually a common tool and can be used for other package/component that you might need in future.

Hope this blog post help you!