Node.js learning progress 3 - Restify and Passport(Basic)

I’m embarrassed to admit this but I’ve spent many hours to make this work

I’m still with node.js but not Dr.Dave this time. I’m working with my friend on a new idea of mobile application and I’m responsible for backend side.

My friend let me choose backend technology and obviously I chose Node.js (just for learning purpose). Anyways, since this is a mobile app, I don’t really care much about view rendering so screw jade and ejs! I searched for Node REST API stuff and ended up with restify. The author claims that it’s just like express but more focus on web service which is exactly what I want.

I’m happy with restify so far until I start working on authorization part. I pick up passport.js as a package of choice and ues Bsic Strategy which implement Basic Auth. Its reputation is great so why not?

I follow guides/tutorial both for restify and express but it does not seem to work. I cannot explain what’s the problem but it just not work. I’ve tried many alternative routing until I get it to work with the following

var server = restify.createServer();


  passport.authenticate('basic',{ session: false}),
  function( req, res ){
      res.end('Authorized ja');

Make sure you’ve require passport and passport-http first. You can define your strategy on the server.js or in a new file, whatever suit you but I prefer having authentication logic in its own file so I have auth.js and require it in server.js Here’s my auth.js

var passport = require('passport');
var BasicStrategy = require('passport-http').BasicStrategy;
var user = require('./user.js');

passport.use(new BasicStrategy(
  function(username, password, done) {;
    if (username.valueOf() === 'validusername' &&
      password.valueOf() === 'validpassword')
      return done(null, true);
      return done(null, false);

I actually wish I could move passport.authenticate to auth.js, export it and just call ‘auth.authenticate’ or something but I cannot and I don’t know why T_T If anybody can tell me how to do it please do so. (But I don’t have comment section here, hmm..)